Prakritik School


Examination & Promotion :-

Prakritik School conducts 4 examinations on the basis of system issued by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) New Delhi. On the basis of performance, students are promoted to the next higher classes. Absence from classes/exams/tests as well as defaulters of fee may effect the result of the student. Any student can be exempted from these assessments on medical ground or being bonafide & meritorious student.

Extra Coaching & Tuition :-

Prakritik School does not allow the teachers as well as students to give or take any extra coaching or tuition.

School Library :-

Prakritik School has a well stocked library and a reading hall with a number of Books, Magazines, Periodicals, Newspapers, Story Books, Comics covering various subjects. An expert experienced & trained full time librarian is appointed for the purpose.

Science Laboratory :-

Prakritik School has a well equipped Physics, Chemistry & Biology Laboratory where science practical classes have been conducted according to the daily routine for the students.

Multi Media Lab :-

Prakritik School provides Unique, Effective, Modern & Fully Latest equipped Multi Media Lab, with Computerised Audio-Visual System of teaching methodology which provide more and more development of the mind of tue students.

Computer Lab :-

Prakritik School has installed several computer sets with modern & latest software for practical knowledge of computers, All exercise on the computer are correlated with the lessons taught in classes in order to enhance the children’s understanding of the various subjects. Computer courses have been made compulsory from Std.- I and onwards.

Transportation System :-

Convenient & effective transportation system are available into services exclusively for our students, such as:- Autos, Well maintained Buses, Cars, Vans etc.

Parents-Teachers Meet :-

There are two fixed schedule of “Parents – Teachers Meet” in the month of September (after completing of Term -1) and in the month of March (after completing of Term II). It is compulsory for all of the parents to attend these meetings.